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  To this day, America still feels the affects of our many political and miitary failures during the Vietnam War. US involvement in Southeast Asia lasted from the mid 1950's to 1975, during which time American casualties went far beyond just those lives lost on the battlefield. As American involvement escalated, so to did anti-war sentiment at home. College campuses became central to the anti-war movement and Middlebury's was no exception. This website, created by Middlebury College students, is designed to convey the general reactions that Middlebury College students of the late 60's and early 70's had towards this controversial era in American history. During those turbulent years, student protest took many forms. The following pages contain images of strikes and protests, as well as letters and articles debating issues both large - American domestic and foreign policy - and small - Middlebury's role and responsibility in the many conflicts of the era. We feel the following pages are valuable in their illustration of the power of ideas; political organization, idealism, vigor of youth, and coordinated resistance stand now as the great legacy of a generation. We only hope to have done justice to that legacy.
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