Mon., 1/5 -- Introduction
Introductions, explanation
of syllabus, discussion of some exemplary websites.
Wed., 1/7 -- First
visit to Sheldon Museum -- SHELDON
Orientation to materials
at the Sheldon museum. We will look at the leisure and Civil War exhibits
and begin exploring the manuscripts on private life.
For Wednesday, read
Stameshkin, The Town's College, 1-142.
Thurs., 1/8 -- First
visit to Special Collections at Starr Library -- STARR
Orientation to materials
related to College history in Special Collections. Students will begin
exploring The Undergraduate and other records related to collegiate
life in the nineteenth century. We will also discuss Stameshkin's The
Town's College.
For Thursday, read
143-281 in The Town's College.
Mon., 1/12 -- Second
visit to Sheldon Museum -- SHELDON
Continue work on
manuscripts and other materials related to private life in nineteenth-century
Middlebury; begin exploring materials related to manhood in nineteenth-century
Vermont; work on scanning leisure exhibit materials.
For Monday, read
excerpts on E-Reserves from Karen Lystra, Searching the Heart.
Wed., 1/14 -- Technology
workshop -- SDL ILC1
Discuss first essays
and related issues of web design; work on technology skills; discuss
Web Style Guide, 2nd edition.
First essay due in class on Wednesday, 1/14 ---
Thurs., 1/15 -- College
History Project -- STARR
Continue work in
Special Collections on Middlebury College history project; read and
discuss selected chapters of Stameshkin, The Strength of the Hills.
Mon., 1/19 -- Private
Life, Manhood, and Leisure Projects -- SHELDON
Continue work on
manuscripts and other materials related to private life and manhood
in nineteenth-century Middlebury; work on scanning private life, manhood,
and leisure exhibit materials.
Wed., 1/21 -- Technology
workshop -- SDL ILC1
Work on preparing
Dreamweaver pages incorporating digitized materials from our four exhibit
topics (college history, private life, manhood, and leisure); read relevant
chapters from Burton Bledstein, Carroll Smith-Rosenberg, and/or Karen
Bledstein, "The
Old-Time College" and "An
Emerging Culture," in The Culture of Professionalism.
Karen Lystra, "Introduction"
and Chapter 1, Searching the Heart
Thurs., 1/22 -- College
History Project -- STARR
Continue work in
Special Collections on Middlebury College history project.
Mon., 1/26 -- Private
Life, Manhood, and Leisure Projects -- SHELDON
Complete work on
manuscripts and other materials related to private life and manhood
in nineteenth-century Middlebury; work on scanning private life, manhood,
and leisure exhibit materials.
1/27 -- College History Project -- STARR
Complete work in
Special Collections on Middlebury College history project.
Wed., 1/28 -- Technology
Workshop -- SDL ILC1
Finish assembling
web pages; submit journals and portfolios.
will be meeting on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and not on Thursday
during the last week of winter term.