American Studies Web Museum
Crane Diaries May 12, 1916
Friday May 12th 1916 (page 191)
Today I had the Aulvois (1) call and I got off about quarter of eight, arrived in Aulvois just on time, and found that I had 8 assis (2) and a coucher (3) to transport. We bundled 4 of the assis in, got them safely to Paguy (4) and came back for the rest. It was quite a problem how to stow them all away but finally by taking parts of the third stretcher made to pieces and examined. The Aulvois as is around a bib I got them all in and made Pagruy for the second time without accident. On of the assis sat on the front seat with me and was very clumsy. He came from Auvergne (5) region where his home was, and was serving all the front near Xiernay (6). He said he was very fond of mountain climbing and I said if I ever came to his home town after the war we would have to climb around a bit together. At Paguy I got rid of three assis and the coucher but got another coucher, two more assis and three medicines. How I ever got them all on is a nuptuery (7) and is a wonder that I the car can ever get around the circuit to Boweque (8) and the Toul (9). We got in just in time for dinner, I spent the afternoon as usual when first on call, by lying around like a fireman waiting for an alarm. Bed as usual.