George A. Weeks
On Mysteries
Mysteries Dec 25, 1849

To solve the mysteries that are brought before us in our every day avocations, would be a task too great for any of us to perform.
The most vigorous imagination links us its attempt to donned the mysteries of Divine Wisdom.
How useful and powerful are the effects of electricity and magnetism. How mysterious it is, that the magnetic needle will always point to the North, and how useful it is in guiding the marines across the pathless ocean. And in civil engineering its use is especially well applicable. We all know the power of electricity in lightning and its use in conveying intelligence with lightning speed. If a wire could be produced around the globe, intelligence could be conveyed around in one moment of time, a distance nearly 24,000 miles.
But the power of Galvanization is no less wonderful & astonishing. Which will decompose water into its elementary parts and cause a fowl to flap its wings after life was extinct, and even throw the countenance of a dead mouse into hideous grimaces and contortions.
And I could mention numerous other mysteries that are equally well calculated for the promotion of pleasure to mankind. Sleep and death are great mysteries which are somewhat similar of which both are required of us. Great is the mystery that we can lay down and sleep and rise again with renewed energy and vigor. And much greater is the mystery that we must lay down and die, and be released from all the toils of life and rise again at the resurrection of the dead.

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