George A. Weeks
On Changes in the Universe (1844)
The Different Changes of the Universe

All around us we see different changes of everything, and there is not one thing and of so many as there are, that is out of order. The planets revolve in their regular orbits, the seasons depart and return; man is born and dies, we are all constantly wearing out our bodies until we die. The tree first spring up from seed and keep growing until they get their growth. A man keeps growing until he gets his growth. Thus you see we are all changeable beings. Perhaps tomorrow you or I or possibly both of us shall be in our graves, although to day we are well. There are so many changes in this world that there is no certainty with us. To be continued...
Adieu. G.A.W Jan 8th 1844

I wish to say a few words on temperance.
Intemperance is one of the meanest and vilest things in the world, but is fast going out of date. Dr. Franklin lived to considerable of an age and he was temperate in all things. I think some folks ought to be a little more temperate in using tobacco. Good Bye. G.A.W. Jan 8th, 1843

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