"2" face="Arial">
It is due on Friday Oct 13th, by 5pm. You can either e-mail it to me, or drop it in the black organizer next to my office in Robert A. Jones B03.
By the way, I posted the assignment in .pdf and .doc formats, as usual. Notice, however, that since it has the Arborwin font, which I use to draw trees, the trees will not appear within the .doc file if you do not have this font installed on your computer, which is likely, since most (if not all) computers here do not have the font. I put the .doc file there, however, in case you want to copy and paste certain sections of the assignment, or in case you happen to have this font.
As usual, if you have questions, please come to my office hours, or set up an appointment.
Enjoy the weekend, everybody.
Satruday Sept 30
I'll be holding special office hours on Monday from 2pm to 4pm in RAJ B03, for general questions as well as questions specific to homework assignment #1. Please feel free to come by and talk to me if you have any questions.
Tuesday Sept 26
- Assignment #1 is posted online. It’s due on Tuesday October 3 at 4:15pm in class (recommended), or by e-mail no later than 5pm.
- Policy on delay in turning in assignments late:
5% off if turned in after the deadline on the day it’s due (that means prior to midnight).
10% off if turned in on the next day after the deadline.
20% off if turned in later than that.
Not accepted after I post the solutions (I know this is self-evident, but just in case).
3. For your Language Adoption Project (LAP), you may want to have a look at “The world atlas of language structures”, which is available in the main library at the Main Atlas Case G1046.E3 W6 2005. Should you fall in love with one particular language there, you’ll have to start looking for a descriptive grammar of that language, and if it’s not available in our library, then order it through the inter-library loan service. I’ll be posting links to lists of some descriptive grammars for different languages pretty soon on the course website.
Tuesday Sept 19
1. I posted today's slides on the course website. You can access them directly from this link:"2" face="Arial">
2. I also updated the syllabus page to reflect what we have covered so far, and what we intend to cover the next couple of weeks. Also due to the fact that we have not covered some of the materials on homework assignment #1, I changed the date the homework is assigned from this Thursday to next Tuesday (Sept 26) and the due date will be Oct 3. Luckily, that won't affect the scheduling of any other assignment.
Thursday Sept 14
- Website will be your key source for materials: readings, slides, assignments, exams, etc. So, check there often, especially on the “Syllabus” page. Course folder will remain in use, though to a lesser degree than I first anticipated.
- You can use e-mail to turn in assignments, exams, etc.
- For the most updated version of the syllabus, you have to visit the website. The hard copy distributed on the first day might not be a good source to rely on since I update the syllabus every week.
- I put David Crystal’s “The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language” on physical reserve. It's a good reference for some of the topics that we'll cover in this class.
- The materials on e-reserve are also available on the “Syllabus” page of the website.