This is the (tentative) class-by-class schedule that I envisage for this course. As usual, there will be slight changes here and there as the term unfolds, but it should give you a clear idea on what we intend to cover over the semester. This is also where a lot of the course materials will be uploaded (readings, assignments, exams). It's a convenient way of grouping (almost) everything in one table on a single page. So, check here often.





Feb 13

The nature of human language

Lecture Slides


Read Nunberg and Wasow's overview of the field of linguistics

 Questionnaire: Please fill in the questionnaire and send it to me by e-mail before Thursday's class.

Feb 15




Feb 20

The nature of human language cont.

Lecture Slides

Chap 17

Artticle on the European starling



Feb 22

The nature of human language cont.

Lecture Slides

Chapters 1/14

Jackendoff's Patterns in the mind: Chapters 1-3

HW1 assigned

Feb 27

Phonetics: Consonants

Lecture Slides

Chap 2

The IPA chart

Some phonetics fun!


March 1

Phonetics cont.: Vowels


Lecture Slides

Chap 2

International Dialects of English Archive

Interactive saggital Section website

HW2 assigned

March 6

Speech production and coarticulation

Phonology: Phonemes and allophones

Lecture Slides

Chap 3


March 8

Phonology cont.: Phonological rules

Lecture Slides

Chap 3

HW3 assigned

March 13

Phonology cont.:
Syllable structure

Lecture Slides

Chap 3


March 15


Morphemes: Free and bound

Inflectional vs. derivational morphemes


Lecture slides


Chap 4

Midterm assigned

Download the midterm here: .pdf and .doc format

March 20

Morphology cont.

Processes of word formation

Morphological typology

Lecture slides


Chap 4


March 22

Semantics: the nature of meaning

Connotation, denotation, extension and intension

Semantic relations among words and sentences

Thematic relations

Lecture slides


Chap 6

Midterm due on Friday March 23 by 4:15pm by e-mail or by hand in my office


March 27

Spring Break

Have fun!


March 29

Spring Break

Have fun!


April 3



Phrase structure grammar


Lecture slides


Chap 5


April 5

Syntax cont.

Grammaticality, structural ambiguity, recursiveness

Transformations: I-to-C movement; DO-support; wh-movement.

Lecture slides


Chap 5

HW4 assigned

April 10

Syntax cont.

Universal Grammar and parametric variation

Lecture slides



Chap 5: pp. 177-182

 Pairs for research project and paper topic due

April 12


Syntax cont.
VOS/OSV/OVS orders

Constraints on wh-movement: Islands


Lecture slides


Chap 6: pp. 225-28

Watch Part II of the Human Language Series movie

HW5 assigned

April 17


First language acquisition

Lecture slides


Chap 11


April 19


First language acquisition cont.

Natural sign languages: Phonology, morphology, and syntax

Lecture slides


Chap 10

HW6 assigned

April 24

Historical linguistics

Aspects of language change: Lexical, semantic, morphological, syntactic, and phonological

Lecture slides


Chap 7


April 26


Historical linguistics cont.


Why do languages change?

Lecture slides


Chap 7

HW7 assigned

May 1

Language in social contexts cont.

The language-dialect distinction

Regional and social dialectal variation

Lecture slides



Chap 15


May 3


Language in social contexts cont.

Debunking some myths about dialectal variation

Lecture slides


Chap 15


May 8


Pidgins and Creoles

Lecture slides


Chap 15


May 10

Indigenous and endangered languages

Why should we care? And what should we do?

Finale: Course highlights

Lecture slides


Chap 9

Paper due

May 14



Final Exam assigned

May 21



Final Exam due





added on 2007-02-12 at 4:07 pm
updated on 2009-05-25 at 7:40 pm