Slides for Lecture 1: Introduction: Language vs. animal communication systems
Slides for Lecture 2: Introduction cont.
Slides for Lecture 3: Language as a biological system; language and the brain; components of linguistic knowledge
Slides for Lecture 4: Phonetics, consonants
Slides for Lecture 5: Phonetics cont., vowels, suprasegmentals
Slides for Lecture 6: Phonetics cont., speech production and coarticulation, Phonology (phonemes vs. allophones, phonological rules)
Slides for Lecture 7: Phonological rules; how to solve phonology problems
Slides for Lecture 8: Features, natural classes, syllable structure
Slides for Lecture 9: Syllabic phonology, introduction to morphology
Slides for Lecture 10: Processes of word formation, morphological typology
Slides for Lecture 11: Semantics, nature of meaning, semantic features, semantic relations, thematic relations
Slides for Lecture 12: Introduction to syntax: constituency, phrase structure rules, trees
Slides for Lecture 13: Syntax cont., ambiguity, recursiveness. Transformations.
Slides for Lecture 14: Syntactic typology; UG: principles and parameters.
Slides for Lecture 15: More syntax: VOS/OSV/OVS orders; Islands; Binding Principles
Slides for Lecture 16: First language acquisition
Slides for Lecture 17: First language acquisition cont., Natural sign languages
Slides for Lecture 18: Language change: lexical, semantic, morphological, syntactic, and phonological aspects
Slides for Lecture 19: Historical linguistics and reconstruction; Why do languages change?
Slides for Lecture 20: Sociolinguistic variation, the language-dialect distinction, regional and social dialects
Slides for Lecture 21: Standard vs. nonstandard speech varieties; code-switching, styles, slang, jargon, and language and gender
Slides for Lecture 22: Pidgins and Creoles
Slides for Lecture 23: Language death and endangered languages; Course highlights
added on 2007-02-12 at 4:07 pm
updated on 2009-02-10 at 9:58 pm