Reasons and Goals
Wind Energy
Who We Are


We encourage Middlebury College to invest in wind energy because it is...

1. Abundant
Scientists estimate that U.S. wind resources can supply more than 3 times the country's total electricity needs. Specifically, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Texas have sufficient wind resources to provide electricity for the entire U.S.

2. Inexhaustible
Unlike fossil fuels that are finite resources, wind is always available and will never be depleted.

3. Clean
Unlike fossil fuels, wind energy does not produce carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, and other particulate matter that contribute to global warming.


CO2 Emitted Per kWh Generated (in pounds)

kWh Generated 1997 (billions) CO2 Emitted, Total Generation (billion pounds)
Coal 2.13 1,788 3,807
Natural Gas 1.03 283.6 291
Oil 1.56 77.8 122
U.S. Average Fuel Mix [2] 1.52 3,494 5,313
Wind 0 3.4 0

4. Domestic
Unlike oil, wind does not need to be imported. Therefore, it prevents us from further displacing our ecological footprint and reduces our dependency on international markets.
