On this page are posted the homework assignments for the class. These assignments are meant to test your understanding of the material covered in class and to help you work on aspects of cross-linguistic variation on your own, applying the same reasoning and analytical tools that we’ll be discussing in class. Each homework counts for 5% of your overall grade. So, take them seriously! While I do not mind you discussing assignment questions with your colleagues, bear in mind that the work you turn in has to be yours, and yours alone. Copying someone else’s work will be treated as cheating, will receive no credit, and will be subject the consequences of violating academic integrity, as described in the College’s
Academic Honesty Statement.
Policy on delay in turning in assignments:
5% off if turned in after the deadline on the day it’s due (that means prior to midnight).
10% off if turned in on the next day after the deadline.
20% off if turned in later than that.
Not accepted after I post the solutions (I know that's self-evident, but just in case)
Projected dates for assigned homework are listed in the table for the syllabus. Notice that you'll typically have one week to work on each assignment. I'm very reluctant to give extensions, except for academically legitimate reasons.
Assignment 5: .pdf. and .doc