In this problem a single Band 3 protein is tracked by observing the
behavior of a gold particle attached to it by a monovalent antibody (Fab).
Three different sequences in the movement of a single particle are depicted
in the video, which is projected at 30 frames a sec. The video itself
was recorded at a rate of about 125 frames per sec, so the particles
speed is reduced in the movie about 4-fold. The white cross is a
fiduciary or reference mark inserted to mark the center of the field of
When you have fully characterized the movement under these conditions,
and answered the questions, move on to the next problem.
- What is Band 3 protein, what sort of membrane protein is it
and what is its function?
- What sorts of movement are displayed by Band 3?
- How might the particles movements be generated?
That is, what mechanism(s) might be involved?
- How might Band 3 movement be affected by the marker used to
observe the movement?