ES 401A Spring 2002

Why Buy Local?

Middining System

Lessons and Stories


Local Farms

Local Food Processors

Local Food Distributors


Know Your Food, Know Your Farmer

Highlighting the Connections Between
Middlebury College & Local Food Providers


Middlebury College and Local Foods Purchasing

Most often, it's near to impossible to be able to map where our food comes from. The origins of the products are too distant and the marketing and trade process too complicated. However, at the local scale, this process is simplified. Therefore, it is possible to know, understand, and even to map what Wendell Berry calls the "economic history" of local food purchases.

To begin mapping this process, we first had to agree on "What is local?" For the purposes of this project, we've defined local the way Middining defines local. Middining considers local foods to be those produced, processed and/or distributed within Vermont.

This is a map of where our local food comes from within Vermont.


For more information on Middlebury College's food purchasing network, visit the following page.

Our Food Purchasing Network




Last Modified May 15, 2002
For questions or comments contact
Diane Munroe